Friday, September 18, 2009
by: Ma. Dolores Cruz
League of Filipino Students rallied in front of the US Embassy last September 11, 2009 in protest of the continued intervention of the United States in the Philippines.
LFS just celebrated its 32nd founding anniversary. And in part of its commemoration, members of the militant group held a lightning rally in front of the US embassy.
Sovereignty in the Philippines is damaged by the stay of US troops in our country. This statement was given by LFS secretary general, Terry Ridon. Ridon stated that “The presence of US troops in the Philippines undermines the supposed sovereignty and independence of the country, even more so if that presence is permanent.”
“The continued implementation of the Visiting Forces of Agreement (VFA) and other unequal treaties with the US has taken away the victories of decade’s worth of Filipino struggle against US intervention such as the dismantling of US Bases in 1991.” Ridon added.
On May 27 1999, the Philippine Senate passed the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) between the United States and the Philippines. It is a bilateral agreement between US and RP which establishes mutual respect and parity on the two countries.
But after a decade of its implementation, VFA faces controversies. Has it really helped the country? Or was it a metaphor for US imperialism in our country?
According to the LFS leader, “The people’s battle cry in the anti-bases struggle was down with the US Imperialism and that remains appropriate, if not even more so today.”
“After a decade since it was ratified, we ask what the people has gotten out of the VFA. The supposed aid that is being given by the US troops in Mindanao service nothing but a smokescreen to their intervention in the country. It is nothing If it costs our freedom.”
According to them, the policies made by this agreement only serve the US’ welfare. On 2006, the US used this agreement to hold custody to the four soldiers who were accused of rape during their trial period. This led the Filipinos to think that the agreement is one-sided and is concerned only with the welfare of the US. It is a chain in our sovereignty. Some even look at this agreement as the reason why the US military troops and the US government treat Filipinos as second class citizens in their own country.
This is why the Filipino youth protests against the American troops. They want to put a stop on the way the US treats the RP. They want to stop the US in using the Filipinos as puppets. They want to trash the Visiting Forces Agreement which gives the Americans the right to abuse their freedom here in our country.
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